Thursday, November 02, 2006

Holidays aren't exactly fun anymore. Right now everyone's mugging up for chinese while the some aren't exactly bothered probably cos they're complacent or confident or just playing around thinking they'd rather have fun first before going back home and enguage in some "try hard" chinese mugging which never really happens at the end of the day. Yeah, you go people! of the latter description. stop trying to be dyslexic! that's our trick, not yours.

To canoeing guys:
Yeah, i went out of my mind yesterday. Capped twice, it rained for thirty minutes, Bill making me regret planning my trip to aussie cos apparently i failed to approach him to talk about at and then demoralising me after that, took my time to run and never really wanted to train for the day cos i had better holiday activities to do elsewhere which i turned down. It was basically a screwed up day for me. i won't apologise for what i did. for those who hate me, i don't really care. i'll still be me. jeremy, pecs or whatever you call me! the boy who hates running =)

can't wait to get away from aisa! 13 more days and i'll be leaving on a jetplane.

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