Tuesday, February 06, 2007

it's a Tuesday

you know how it feels to wake up
and then wanting to skip whatever going on for the day and just
continue sleeeeping...
today was one of those days for me
even a BOTTLE of coffee couldn't pry my eyes open
absolutely exhausted
i had to hibernate... no choice
tuesday is my longest day
what could be more worse than ending the day with
Physical Education and Canoeing training
one after the other
oh no i'm not complaining
i'm just enlightening everyone on how i spend my days
which technically makes it seem like less of a complaint

fine.... i'm complaining...

Bio test on respiration and photosynthesis was doable
though i only expect half my answers to carry ticks...
and the rest anything else other than ticks...
so how does cyanide affect respiration people?
i don't remember that being in any of my notes
it'll be lot easier learning through experience
maybe then i'd be able to answer that mind boggling question
hope for my day only came when the last question i actually successfully answered
was my name...

i might sleep early.


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