Saturday, October 07, 2006


OMG... tonight's haze is extravagantly parasitic. I'm begining to feel breathless everytime i'm out on the streets and it's beyond being paranoid that makes me feel this way. Visibility is round about 3 to 4 kilometers before everything else just appears white. IT'S THAT BAD PEOPLE! SO HELP BY NOT BURNING FIRE CRACKERS THIS MOONCAKE SEASON CANNN??!! THOSE PEOPLE DOWN AT WOODLANDS!!! AND I THOUGHT THEY WERE BANNED IN SINGAPORE!!! you could instead stick to finishing up all the over produced mooncakes and grow fat on them. damn the plantations which practice and support fire clearing. Took this on the way back from Aman's house after almost 2 hours of non-stop HALO2-ing. It was a nauseating game of gun fire, explosions, hit and runs and alien + robo + zombie bashing. Too bad there wasn't enought time to play Rainbow Six otherwise i would have taken a few snipe-shots with Aman's "i-already-know-where-the-bad-guy-is" tips and tricks... haha, i can just imagine "okay, open this door and it's the kitchen. there are 98274923874 bad guys and 1321232 of them are on the right of which 123213 are hiding in the drawers and the rest are squatting... the remaining will pretend they are shooting but they are not so JEREMY, you chuck the grenade and i'll frag them all with head shots! Then you join in and pick them all out one by one till your ammo runs out then we'll both kinfe the remaining. For the rest of the mission, we'll squat walk all the way to rescue! SOUNDS GREAT???".... I LOVE YOU AMAN SINGING KILLER!!! =DDD

PROMOS ARE OFFICIALLY overrrrrrrrrr... i'm already feeling the onset of post exam depression. so much free time and don't know how to spend it. studying will be the last thing on my wanna-do list this season not until the next set of exams come... i miss studying for some reason and i only wish i had more MORE and MOREEEE time to mug for the subjects i thought i could have done better. so many questions left blank and so many answers self-invented. I'm like this massive ORB of emptiness. i only hope for advancementable grades so i wouldn't have to experience/live through 2 fun-o-ramas, 2 orientations and 2 promotional examinations. Optimistically it'll be playing for one more year, rowing for an extra year and proudly being 2 years older than my classmates... =) coolnessssss

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