Friday, August 05, 2005

The day after i fell ill...

School yesterday was totally awesome. My partner and I laughed so much he had a stomach ache and I suffered a splittin' headache. After about and hour or so, my immune system gave in to some nasty virus that practically weakened my entire organism, but still the jokes kept coming. Moments after reaching home, i collapsed unto my precious bed and immediately enguaged basal metabolism. When i awoke, my brain pressure fluctuated and every part of me felt like Sh*T. Dad took my blood pressure a couple of times and got overly excited about my pulse rate doubling. I don't blame him.

Anyway, i'm here now infront of the screen feeling much better although my lymph nodes are a little swollen. It's amazing how it works. It actually filters bacteria and foreign particles from the body and when the organism is infected, it will swell and activate lymphocytes (one form of white blood cells. The other is Phagocytes. It's all Biology). I have consulted my General Practitioner and he gave a GeNeRaL diagnosis saying "It's nothing serious" (They always do, just to play safe, unless it involves pain at strategic spots on the body). I'm on recommended drugs now so i should survive, but if not, my last will and testament, which I haven't seen for two years, is in the drawer somewhere in the premises of my room. The first line says "You should only attempt to read this after i die..." Nevermind there.

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