Saturday, August 06, 2005

The attack of the Milli-Organisms

Yeah, that's my Bull Mastiff Hoogie. Named after an olympic swimmer my sister had an infatuation for. (something something Hooganban, along those lines). He's pretty much NoCtUrNaL and spends the afternoons hibernating infront of the gate. So much for a guard dog. Dogs are great pets i must admit, but this pet of mine keeps his own variety of pets. On himself that is. Hoogie told me telepathically that he personally named them TICKS. It's good to know he's found his very own friends, but however, hoogie hasn't been a very entertaining host. As a result, TICK corpulation rates increase and *WaLa* you get new TICK generations. Geography teaches us that due to the lack of education and entertainment in developing countries, much of the adult population turn to methods of "increasing population growth" (indirectly meaning carnal connection) as a means of entertainment. Same thing applies to this Bull Mastiff of mine. haha. Anyway these blood suckers, once belly full, will simply drop off the dog and climb up the nearest wall within it's area. Seemingly, that drives us humans up the same wall. Squashing TICKS is a fun thing to do, but my preference would be to heat them up to temperatures exceeding 200 degrees celsius with a matchstick. Cool thing to do really. The excitement would be greater if they actually do "PoP" upon heating, AwEsOmE! imagine the bloodshed =D. Alright, i'm freaking you out. TICKS have been part of our family since the early years of our first pet dog "New Year". Yeeps. Guess what, i just chanced into an AlBiNo TICK, nice and white. I'm gonna heat it up now so i'll end here. Should i use the Microwave oven this time? i'll see...


paper aeroplanes said...

hey. (: it's sam here. from SLC? haha. just saw your blog from your MSN nickname. so decided to visit it. and im shocked at what a sadist you are. ((: nevertheless, i shall still link you, alright? fwaha! take care.

eville_aiz said...


you jeremy you disgusting boy youuuuu!


just stick to squashing the ticks can?

and aiyoyo. your descriptions abit too explicit..

JeReMy said...

Hey there Sam, great to hear from you =) Sure thing, link meee!

Yes Pava, TICKS are found everywhere. Since there isn't hope of driving them into extinction, i thought i'd just play with them. Besides, they are renewable =D.

Anonymous said...

About time his name is to be changed to 'Tickie'! 'Hoogie' is to be banished to Australia..oh..Holland?

doublejointed said...

Its Pieter Van Den Hoogenband thank you very much. And boy, was he hot. *swoon*

Anonymous said...

I just searched for Pieter Van Den Hoogenband, he's Prince William-looking...I prefer my tom felton...

but other than that, can i ask? have i seen the TICKS before? But talking about the burning reminds me of the days we used to burn snails complete with salt and grass, and oh, candle wax. love the popping sound and squishy, melting bodies.

JeReMy said...

heehee. i think i know which side of the family my sadistic nature came from. The maternal side. heehee.